Setting up SRL-D in Timisoara
We offer services for the establishment of SRL-D for those who have not owned or currently own the quality of associate or administrator.
Establishment of Commercial Company
The Law Office of Vilceanu establishes companies for students who, according to GD no. 166/2003, meet the necessary conditions.
Get EORI number
for traders carrying out import, export, transit, storage, representation and arrival or departure operations.
Registration in ROI
for legal entities registered for VAT purposes, which intend to carry out intra-Community transactions.
The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that's the day you start to the top." – O. J. Simpson
"Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn." – Robert Kiyosaki

About us
Our office offers a wide range of consultancy legal services to natural persons and legal persons and foreign novels.
Our team has extensive experience in commercial, this is highlighted by the high number of clients who have worked and continue to work with our experts.
Along with specialist staff and contributors will guarantee quality legal services offered in responsibility, professionalism and promptness, in the interest of the client.
At the request of our clients, providing advice and in English.
In terms of fees policy, we can say that this is a balanced, based on the one hand, professional experience acquired and consolidated over time (just because of their specialization in commercial law office services), and on the other part of the intention of our office building in ongoing professional relationships and binding of new long-term contractual relationships with customers and prospects, so as to be a balance between the financial interests of the office, on the one hand, interests and customer expectations, on the other hand, in relation to quality of service provided.

A team of professionals concerned about our customers' success will help make the first steps in either business or make your job easier in your road to profitability, making sure that both the beginning and during the development of business to be properly informed and to function legally.
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